4 Pilates Moves to Tone Inner-thighs

4 Simple Pilates Moves to Tone The Inner-thighs

These 4 simple Pilates moves target specifically the inner-thighs. No equipment is required. Incorporate these easy moves into your workout routine as frequently as you can and each time do as many repetitions as possible for the quickest result.

The only props you may need for these exercises are your own hands and/or a medium-sized towel. For the first 2 exercises if you experience any strain in the lower back area, place your hands (palms down) under the bum or fold up a towel and place it under the sacrum to raise the bum up just a little. That little lift is enough to support the lower back. In exercises 3 and 4, if you experience any discomfort on the bottom side hip, the folded towel (an inch thick or less) can be placed under that side. For some of us, the greater trochanters are bigger and protrude more; that makes lying on the side uncomfortable.

Last but not least support your head with something if it tilts backward while lying on your back (place hands or folded towel under the head). Don’t ignore your tilted head! It can cause tension on the neck and shoulders later on. Make sure you prop yourself properly so you can be comfortable while concentrating on the movements.

Now let’s get to the exercises!

Exercises 1 & 2 Preparations: lie on your back with the entire spine in contact with the mat (including lumbar spine); legs are lengthened toward the sky with ankles directly above hip joints. Support lower back with hands or towel under the bum if you need to (see note above).

1. Leg Open & Close (Make The Letter V)

Start with legs together, ankle flexed, heels toward the sky, toes curling downward.

-Inhale, prepare…

-Exhale, open legs evenly out to either side.

-Inhale, close legs together, using the inner-thighs to close.

Repeat 10 or more repetitions.

2. Leg Circle

Start with legs together, toes pointing toward sky.

-Inhale, prepare…

-Exhale, lower legs (squeezing inner-thighs together) away from torso and to a high diagonal, keeping strong abdominal connection.

-Inhale, with control, circle legs outward then upward to bring them back to starting position. Make circles just as wide as the width of the mat.

Repeat 5-10 repetitions. Then,


-Inhale, prepare…

-Exhale, open legs outward then circle downward (away from torso) to bring them together at a high diagonal.

-Inhale, with control lift the legs (actively squeezing together) back to starting position.

Repeat 5-10 repetitions.

Exercises 3 & 4 Preparations: lie on one side, body is in one straight line from head to heels. Support arm under the head. Flex ankles. Place extra pad (folded towel) under the hip if you need to (read note above). Perform exercises 3 & 4 on one side then repeat on the other side.

3. Leg Lift

-Inhale, lift top leg up and keep it at hip-level.

-Exhale, lift bottom leg up to meet top leg.

-Inhale, release bottom leg down.

Repeat 10 or more repetitions.

4. Leg Circle

Bend top leg, place the foot in front of the body. Free hand is either resting in front of the body or grab the ankle of the top leg. Flex bottom foot. Lift bottom leg up as high as you can.

Make 10 or more circular movements with the bottom leg in one direction, keeping the leg straight. Breathe normally. Then,

Make 10 or more circular movements in the reverse direction.

Set up on the other side, repeat exercises 3 & 4.

Click here for more lower-body exercise ideas.

2 thoughts on “4 Simple Pilates Moves to Tone The Inner-thighs”

  1. Thanks Thuy
    Missed my routine last few days but will get back on track tomorrow morning again.

    I need all these places toned 😂

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