Pilates Abdominal Series

Pilates Abdominal Series With Variations That Suit Everyone

This Pilates abdominal series is partially based on the Classical Pilates abdominal series. I simplify it by cutting out some coordination aspects so you can easily remember the instructions and will be able to practice on your own. I include different variations to suit everyone; from a variation for those with back and/or abdominal weakness, to variations for those who want more challenges.

This Pilates abdominal series works all the abdominal muscles, especially the obliques and tranversus abdominis which control the body’s balance and posture–very important core muscles. The abdominal muscles targeted in this exercise series include the rectus abdominis (often called ‘six-pack’), the external obliques (big muscles that wrap from the sides, connecting the ribcage with the pelvis), the internal obliques (deeper layer, connecting the ribs with the hips), and the transversus abdominis (deepest layer, very difficult to feel and to activate).

Practicing this Pilates abdominal series regularly will result with a strong and well-toned abdomen. You can pick the repetitions that are suitable for your strength; take small rests in between exercises if needed. Once you have gained more strength, I encourage you to perform this entire routine continuously (without resting in between). It will challenge your abdominal muscles’ endurance. You will definitely feel a good burn in the right place!


1. Ab Prep

Lie on your back, legs together at table-top position (knees directly above hips, shins parallel with floor).

-Inhale, float both arms up by the ears

-Exhale, lead with the arms, followed by the head and shoulders, curl up, reach arms past the hips

-Inhale, release back down, shoulders first, followed by head, float arms over head

Do 10 repetitions.


+For weak abdominals and/or back: keep legs bent, feet on floor at hip-distance. Follow breathing and movement in the instructions above.

+For more advanced: place hands behind head, elbows wide. Follow breathing and movement as in the instructions above.

2. Toe Tap

Lie on your back with your legs at table-top position, toes pointed, arms extended toward sky, rib cage closed. The entire spine is in contact with the floor.

-Inhale, prepare

-Exhale, with control lower one leg toward the floor, maintaining abdominal connection (lower spine stays in contact with floor). Touch big toe on the floor if that is possible, but it is not necessary

-Inhale, with control return the leg to table-top position

-Exhale, lower the other leg toward the floor

-Inhale, with control return the leg to table-top position

That completes 1 iteration. Do 5-10 repetitions.


+For a weak lower back and/or abdominal: bring knees closer toward chest, arms on the floor close to body. If necessary place a thin rolled-up towel under the sacrum area (base of spine) to support the lower back.

+Extend both arms overhead (by the ears if possible), maintaining strong abdominal to keep spine in contact with floor. Lower and lift leg following instructions above.

3. Hip Twist

Lie on back with legs at table-top position (knees directly above hips and shins parallel with floor). Arms are on the floor, wider than mat. Look directly to the ceiling, keeping a neutral neck line.

-Inhale, with control rotate hips to the right side (bringing both knees toward the floor on the right).

-Exhale, with control contract abdominal to bring both legs back to table-top position.

-Inhale, with control rotate hips toward the left side.

-Exhale, pull belly in deeply as you return the legs to center.

That completes 1 iteration. Do 5-10 repetitions.


+ For weak back or abdominal: keep feet together and on floor, knees bent. Rotate hips side to side following the instructions above.

+Advanced: extend legs (straight legs if available), keeping legs together. Rotate hips, taking legs side to side following instructions above.

4. Single Leg Stretch

Lie on back with legs at table-top position. Hands behind head with elbows wide. Curl head and shoulders up and off the mat (try to get the bottom tips of shoulder blades off the mat). Look in front of you in-between the knees.

-Inhale, prepare.

-Exhale, extend right leg completely to either a low or high diagonal as long as you are able to keep the lower back in contact with the mat and there’s no discomfort on the front or back of the hips.

-Inhale, bring right leg back to table-top.

-Exhale, extend left leg (switch side).

-inhale, draw left leg back to starting position.

That completes 1 iteration. Do 8-10 repetitions.


+For weak abdominal and/or back: reach arms down past the hips and extend leg toward the ceiling.

+Tension on the neck: support hands behind head, keep looking toward feet (avoid changing eye-gaze). If necessary, keep head on the mat while performing leg movements in the instructions above, keeping lower back in contact with mat.

+For more advanced: keep hands behind head, extend leg to a straight line with the torso. Do more repetitions to work on endurance.

5. Double Stretch

Lie on back with legs together and at table-top position. Hands behind head with elbows wide. Curl head and shoulders up, trying to get the bottom tips of the shoulder blades off the mat.

-Inhale, prepare.

-Exhale, extend both legs completely.

-Inhale, return both legs to table-top.

That completes 1 iteration. Do 5-10 repetitions.


+For weak abdominal and/or back: reach arms down past the hips and extend legs toward the ceiling.

+Tension on the neck: support hands behind head, keep looking toward feet (avoid changing eye-gaze). If necessary, keep head on the mat while performing leg movement as in the instructions above, keeping lower back in contact with mat.

+For more advanced: Exhale, extend both arms overhead (by the ears) at the same time extending legs. Legs go as low as abdominal connection can be maintained (keeping lower back in contact with the mat). Inhale, circle the arms out then place hands on the sides of the knees, bringing legs back to table-top position. Keep curling head and shoulders up, look straight in front toward the feet throughout the movement.

6. Crisscross

Lie on back with legs together and at table-top position. Hands behind head with elbows wide. Curl head and shoulders up, trying to get the bottom tips of the shoulder blades off the mat.

-Inhale, prepare.

-Exhale, extend right leg completely (as in Single Leg Stretch) at the same time rotate upper torso, bring right shoulder across toward left knee.

-Inhale, come back to center.

-Exhale, switch side–extend left leg at the same time rotate torso, bringing left shoulder toward right knee.

Keep the elbows wide; no need for the elbow and opposite knee to touch. Stabilize pelvis by pulling belly deeply in and keeping legs in center line, so pelvis does not rock from side to side.

That completes 1 iteration. Do 5-10 repetitions.


+Weak back and/or abdominal: lie on back with knees bent, feet on the mat, hands behind head. Exhale, lift one foot from the mat at the same time rotate upper torso, bringing opposite shoulder toward that knee. Inhale, release head and foot down. Exhale, switch side.

+More advanced: do more repetitions, work on muscle endurance.

7. Leg Scissors

Lie on back. Hug knees toward chest. Curl head and shoulders up, bring forehead toward knees (trying to get the bottom tips of the shoulder blades off the mat). Maintain torso in a tight flexion. Extend both legs toward sky (aim for straight legs but not required). Grab right calf or thigh with both hands.

-Inhale, prepare.

-Exhale, lower left leg toward floor, pulling right leg closer toward chest.

-Inhale, bring both legs up.

Exhale, switch leg–lower right leg as pulling left leg closer toward chest.

That complete 1 iteration. Do 5-10 repetitions.


+For weak back or abdominal: split legs less–making small scissors–at a faster pace.

+For tension on neck: support hands behind head and keep scissors in small range. If necessary, keep head on the mat throughout the exercise.

+More advanced: hands behind head, keep curling head and shoulder up, extend legs completely and split them as far apart as you can. Do more repetitions to challenge muscles’ endurance.

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