Strengthening Exercises To Improve Your Push-ups [Video-graphic]

You can start these exercises with a smaller range of movement and increase as your strength improves. First, find something sturdy you can lean on at waist-level, a kitchen counter or hand railing for instance. Always focus on quality; not quantity!

Follow the video or written instructions below. Stand approximately a leg-length from the counter. Place heels of hands against the edge of the counter, feet together, heels slightly lifted, core engaged, inner thighs engaged.

1. Push-up 1

Emphasizing pectoralis major (chest), deltoids (shoulders), triceps (back of arms), and serrates anteriors (below the armpits).

-Hands are wider than shoulders. A continuous line from head to heels must be maintained throughout the movement.

-Inhale, bend the elbows, widening them outward. Heels will lift a bit higher, which happens naturally. A continuous line from head to heels is your goal.

-Exhale, push against the counter to straighten the arms, return to starting position.

Do 5-10 repetitions.

2. Push-up 2

Emphasizing the triceps (back of the arms); pectorals major (chest); scapular (shoulder blade) stabilizers, especially serrates anterior.

-Same set up as Push-up 1, except hands are directly in front of your shoulders.

-Inhale, bend the elbows, hugging them close to the sides of your body.

-Exhale, push against the counter to straighten the arms, return to starting position, maintaining a continuous line from head to heels throughout the movement.

Do 5-10 repetitions.

3. Side-Plank + Triceps Press

Emphasizes triceps (back of arms), scapular (shoulder blade) stabilizers, particularly serratus anterior.

-Keep same setup as the Push-up #2, but with hands placed slightly narrower than shoulders. May need to move a bit further away from the counter. Then rotate the entire body toward one side, supporting on one arm, while the other arm reaches in the opposite direction.

-Feet are either lined up in a straight line (top foot in front, bottom foot behind), or stacked one on top of the other (top foot would hover above the floor).

-Gently push against the counter and lift from below the armpit. This small action stabilizes the shoulder girdle. One continuous diagonal line through the center of the body is formed.

-Inhale, slightly bend the supporting elbow, drawing it downward towards the floor

-Exhale, push against the counter, straighten the arm.

Do 5-10 repetitions, then switch sides.

Do this set of exercises a few times a week. Once you find doing these at a kitchen counter is no longer a challenge, you should try them at a lower platform, such as a bench in the park or at your door steps. The lower the platform the harder. Eventually, you will be ready to do those push-ups on the floor. Happy training!

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