Intermediate Pilates Side-Kick Series

Intermediate Pilates Side-Kick Series

If you have done Pilates mat work you should be familiar with the Pilates Side-Kick Series, also called Side-Lying Leg Work. These exercises are simple yet so effective for the hip area. This series usually consists of 3 to 5 exercises and is performed continuously on one side then repeated on the other side.

By the second exercise into the Pilates Side-Kick Series you should start feeling the burn in the abductors and gluteus.

The basic Pilates Side-Leg Kick Series is set up with the torso on the mat with the arm resting under the head. The Pilates Side-Kick Series that I am going to show you will challenge not only your hip area but your obliques and shoulder stabilizers.

Click here to get more tips on strengthening the obliques.

If you have an issue with either shoulder you should be very careful with this exercise version. I am not saying that you should avoid trying it completely; that depends on the severity of your shoulder problem. If it is just a weak shoulder then perhaps this set of exercises can help in strengthening it. You need to pay close attention to the instructions and only do as many repetitions so long as you can maintain good form with no pain. If you notice that you have lost shoulder stability anytime during the exercise but want to continue with the workout, simply lie down on your side with the arm resting under the head and continue with the leg movements.


Setting up: Sit on left hip. Support the upper body with your left forearm (left elbow directly below the shoulder). Bottom (left) leg is bent; top (right) leg is straight and inline with torso. Bottom foot is tucked right below the top knee. Right hand (or fingertips) supports on the floor in front of your tummy. Gently press the left forearm down and lift from below the armpit to stabilize the left shoulder and lengthen the spine from tail to head. Look in front. Pull belly in and maintain the hips stacked. Now keep this perfect form while performing the following four exercises:

1. Lift and Lower:

-Inhale, lift top leg as high as neutral spine can be maintained.
-Exhale, release top leg down for a few inches (do not drop all the way down).
Do 8-12 repetitions.

2. Kick: lift top leg to hip-level
-Inhale, with control hinge top leg forward.
-Exhale, contract abdominal, reach top leg back as far as hips maintain stacking.
Do 8-12 repetitions.

3. Circle Front: top leg is completely straight, at hip-level and inline with torso.
-Inhale, lift top leg higher and circle it forward.
-Exhale, continue to circle the leg down and around.
Do 8-12 repetitions.
Note: be sure movement comes from the hip. Make the circles big so long as pelvic stabilization can be maintained.

4. Circle Back: same as Circle Front, but in reverse direction.
Do 8-12 repetitions.

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