6 Best Gluteus Exercises

6 Best Gluteus Exercises on The Mat

These are the 6 best gluteus exercises you can do on the mat. They require no equipment and anyone at any fitness level can easily do them. Practice this simple routine three times a week for a nice toned bum (please excuse my use of words) and strong hips.

In my Pilates classes I always emphasize gluteus exercises. Whether we are males or females, and whether we have a big bum or small bum, we all need a nice toned bum and strong hips. Sure, we all like to have a nice round bum, but it is one of the genetic matters that we can’t decide. One thing, though, we can decide is to keep it toned and strong. A toned bum not only makes you look good in jeans but it also prevents you from having back and hip problems. Your gluteus muscles are the major muscles that support the pelvis and the base of the spine. Unfortunately those muscles along with everything else on our bodies go with gravity as we get older. The only way to delay this process is to work those muscles, keeping them strong.

The following 6 gluteus exercises are very straightforward. They are simple enough for everyone to do on the mat without any equipment. I include a couple of modifications in case of weakness in the lower back and/or hip flexors.


1. Single Leg Shoulder Bridge

Lie on your back with feet hip-distance apart and heels directly below the knees. Pelvis and spine are in a neutral position. Arms rest on the mat next to the body. Focus directly toward the sky.

-Inhale to prepare.

-Exhale, engage gluteus to lift the hips up. A continuous line is created from knees through hips to shoulders.

-Inhale, with control lift right leg (either straight leg or with knee bent at table-top position), making sure hips are level.

-Exhale, keeping abdominals engaged and right leg at the same position, lower the hips until the gluteus just touches the mat.

-Inhale, contract the gluteus, lift the hips back up.

Continue to lift and lower the hips, maintaining the perfect form.

Do 10 repetitions then switch legs.

2. Heel Squeeze

Lie on your belly with hands resting under forehead and legs wider than hips. Bend knees and bring heels together. Flex at the ankles. Pull belly button in to engage abdominal muscles and protect the lower back.

Modification for weak lower back: place a thin rolled-up towel under the hip bones.

-Inhale, prepare.

-Exhale, gently squeeze heels together and reach heels directly toward sky.

Continue to squeeze heels as you lift and lower heels, maintaining abdominal engagement.

Do 10 repetitions.

3. Single Leg Extension

Lie on your belly with hands resting under forehead. Legs are wider than hips and laterally (externally) rotated (from the hips). Pull belly button in to engage abdominal muscles and protect lower back.

Modification for weak lower back: place a thin rolled-up towel under the hip bones.

Inhale, prepare.

Exhale, lift one leg, keeping the leg completely straight.

-Inhale, release the leg down a few inches (not to the ground).

-Exhale, lift the other leg.

-Inhale, release the leg just a few inches.

That completes 1 iteration.

Do 10 repetitions.

FOR EXERCISES 4, 5, & 6: keep the same set-up and complete all three exercises on the same side then repeat the entire sequence on your other side.

Lie on one side with your body in a straight line from head to toes. Rest your head on the bottom arm. The free hand supports in front of tummy. Stack the hips one on top of the other. Pull belly in to keep abdominals engaged and stabilize the trunk.

4. Side Kick

Hinge at the hips to take both legs to the front corner of the mat. Lift top leg up to hip level.

-Inhale, with control kick top leg forward with the ankle flexed (curl toes toward the body).

-Exhale, with control reach top leg behind the body with the toes pointed. Note: reach back far enough to feel gluteus contracting but maintain pelvis stability.

Do 10 repetitions.

5. Side Leg Lift

Bring both legs in line with the torso (one straight line from head to toes). Lift both legs up as high so long as trunk stability can be maintained.

Inhale, lift top leg up higher, keeping bottom leg in the same lifted position.

Exhale, bring top leg down to meet bottom leg.

Continue to lift and lower top leg.

Do 10 repetitions.

6. Side Leg Circles

Body is still in a straight line. Lift top leg up to hip-level. Keep abdominals engaged throughout the movement. Maintain both legs completely straight.

-Inhale, circle top leg forward then down.

-Exhale, complete the circle.

Do 10 repetitions then reverse direction of the circles for 10 repetitions (circle the leg back and around).

Once you complete exercise 4, 5 and 6 on one side, set up on the other side of the body and complete the entire sequence.

Click here for more gluteus exercises.

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